7700 E Arapahoe Rd., Centennial, 80112-1268, CO, USA orthopedic@onlinescientificresearch.com

Progress in Orthopedic Science ISSN: 2146 - 8370
Progress in Orthopedic Science. 2023; 9(4):(90-102)

Four Cases of Avulsion Fracture of the Anterior Tibial Tuberosity

Jacem Saadana, Amine Bader*, Firas Boughattas, Majdi ben Hania, Aymen Fekih and Abderrazek abid


This work is an observational study focusing on 4 cases of avulsion fracture of the anterior tibial tuberosity, collected between 2020 and 2022 at the orthopedic and trauma surgery department of Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital in Monastir in Tunisia.

The aim of this work is to study the epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of this pathology.

The patients in our series, all male, were aged between 14 and 17 years. Three of them had Osgood Schlatter syndrome preceding the lesion.

The clinical presentation was, in all cases, a swollen knee, with a deficit of active extension, a high patella, and pain on palpation of the ATT. X-Ray showed in lateral Knee view: 2 cases classified Ogden IIIB, one case Ogden IB and one case Ogden IIB. All our patients were treated surgically by screwing in one case, cerclage in two cases, and by screwing plus cerclage in one case. The progress was considered satisfactory at 12 weeks postoperative follow-up.